Hello and welcome to Authentic Graphic Design & Original Cartoons. 

2020 was a ruff and difficult time for everyone. I wish you all the best of luck in the future. 

During this time A.G.D. & O.C. managed to produce a couple of animations. 

Several things inspired AGD & O.C., such as the evil propaganda plaguing this earth to cause displacement amongst good people. 

Here you won't get propaganda. You will get creative fictional Graphic Novel and Animation shorts. Bringing life to your imagination. 

All our Art is 100% Original and Authentic unless specified otherwise but we must warn you that we do enjoy re-designing & doing a Redox of classics: popular works of art,  to promote them & re-birth them, usually because of our own admiration for it's already established content. 

This year of 2020 was rough, during the pandemic I lost my Physical College, I suffered housing displacement & other dangers. I lost my dearly beloved Father and one of my Dear Best friends, but I am going to turn that negative energy received around and re-dispense it as positive energy properly to produce powerful peices of Artwork for the A.G.D. & O.C. Universe to enjoy until my last days on this earth.

 Hopefully that won't be for another 40+ years. 

I am going to produce as many new graphics as I can in 2021 moving forward, while also juggling my natural life situations that arise in this post Covid-19 world. 

I think most of the world feels like we are entering World War again. I am going to do my best not to involve myself with Politics and you should to.

My mission is to successfully complete my journey of Authentic Graphic Designs and Original Cartoons, to design and build things that are incredible and unimaginable until now.

Please Enjoy my latest animation starring The Green Cloud Monster, General Sphere and Dr. Psycho, (The video gets better near the end)

This Animation Short is dedicated to the lives of 2 of the most incredible & beautiful man I ever will have known,

One of my best friends, Christopher David Smith, R.I.P. 1982-2020 & a Legendary High School Music Teacher, my dearly beloved Father, Jeffrey Ross Folkes, R.I.P. 1945-2020.

Also, the second animation is with myself and 2 very talented work colleagues of mine, Leah and Patrick. 

Please check out my 2 latest animations at the bottom of this page!

Thanks for tagging along! Feel free to reach out to me on the Hire Us Page.
Sincerely, Nick Folkes, creator of A.G.D. & O.C. (All Rights Reserved)

1) "The Future Survival"

(Go through Space and travel through time) 

Animation Short.


General Sphere, The Green Cloud Monster & Doctor Psycho


2) The Heroin Monster 

(Chase Scene) 

Animation Short.


Nick, Leah and Patrick.

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